Our Services


    GLP-1 agonists work by stimulating your pancreas to increase insulin. This additional insulin causes the stomach to empty over a longer period. When your stomach takes more time to empty itself of food, it sends signals of "fullness" to the brain. This signal is sent throughout a larger portion of your day, even if you’re eating less food than usual. The result of this process is a powerful appetite suppression effect based on the patient's own natural insulin production. This means patients using a GLP-1 medication can benefit from medically assisted weight loss without any need for invasive surgery.

    Program Sign Up Fee - $250

    *30-minute consultation

    *Bloodwork included 

    *Provider’s fee included

    *Dietary + Lifestyle coaching + body composition analysis included

    Monthly Investment - $500

    *4 weekly shots included

    *Management of side effects

    *Monthly body composition analysis

    *Weekly progress assessment

  • Filler is used to restore volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance facial contours by replenishing lost or depleted soft tissue. Commonly composed of hyaluronic acid, a biocompatible material, filler provides a non-surgical solution for achieving a more youthful appearance. For use in areas such as Lips, Cheeks, Nasolabial Folds, Marionette Lines, and more. Our office carries the following brands: Restlyane, Juvederm

    Filler - $700 per syringe

    Mini Lip Filler - $450

    *Multiple syringes in same session priced at $650 each*

  • Sculptra works from within. It stimulates your body’s natural collagen production and is injected where we tend to lose collagen the most. Sculptra Aesthetic is made with biocompatible, biodegradable, synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid, which is naturally absorbed by the body and gradually helps rebuild lost collagen. It restores facial volume and fills in wrinkles and folds over time. Sculptra can be injected to correct shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds. Results appear gradually after the procedure and can last up to two years. It is recommended to do three injections over the course of three to four months.

    Sculptra - $700 per vial

    (1 vial per decade of life is recommended)

  • Botox, or botulinum toxin, is a neurotoxin that temporarily paralyzes facial muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by inhibiting muscle contractions. It is commonly used to achieve a smoother and more youthful complexion without surgery.

    Our office carries the following brands: Dysport, Botox, Jeuveau

    Dysport - $5.50 per unit

    Botox - $12.50 per unit

    Jeuveau - $11 per unit

    In general, this translates to approximately $150 per muscle group. For an exact price based on your unique needs, book a consultation- free of cost.

  • Using two treatment modalities built into one device: Correct, maintain and restore your skin using RF Microneedling Technology with Candela's Profound Matrix Device. Correct skin imperfections and treat fine lines and wrinkles with Candela's Sublative RF treatment.

    Revision Skincare kit included in purchase.

    Prices are per session

    Upper/Lower Eye - $500.00

    Jawline/Submental - $500.00

    Chest - $500.00

    Face + Neck - $850.00

    Face + Neck + Chest - $1,000.00

    Body - $850.00

  • Microneedling, also called “collagen induction therapy”, is a non-surgical treatment that uses tiny short, sterile needles to the surface of the skin through a hand-held device. By creating tiny wounds in the skin, the body naturally responds by stimulating collagen and elastin growth, essential for skin renewal.

    Some of the skin concerns that microneedling addresses include:

    • Fine lines and wrinkles

    • Pore size

    • Acne scarring


    PRP: The activation of the concentrated platelets in platelet-rich plasma releases growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body produces. This significantly enhances the body's natural healing process. The purpose of the topical application of PRP is to provide an increase in volume by using your own plasma to stimulate collagen production.

    Topical Toxin: Microneedling with neurotoxin relaxes the tiny muscles around your pores and hair follicles which pulls your skin taut and makes your pores look smaller. It shuts down your sebaceous glands which decreases oil production, clears up acne and blackheads, and prevents future breakouts.

    Microneedling - $350

    Microneedling with PRP $450

  • Hydrafacial is a non-invasive, transformative skin health treatment for the best skin of your life. Every Hydrafacial treatment uses patented technology to deeply cleanse, extract and hydrate the skin and can be customized further with personalized boosters, LED light therapy, and lymphatic drainage to address specific skin concerns. The results are immediate, pain-free and glowing, boosting confidence with no downtime. The magic is in the wand, which works to open pores for a deep cleanse and easy extraction of impurities and dead skin cells. It also allows the active ingredients in our boosters to penetrate deeper, for the most effective treatment possible.

    Signature Hydrafacial - $175

    Platinum Hydrafacial - $225

    Deluxe Hydrafacial -$250

  • Signature Facial - $125

    Designed to deliver healthy radiant skin, this facial targets your individual skincare needs. Starting with gentle cleansing, exfoliation, extractions,, serum, steam, and a mask all suited for you to restore your skin to its natural balance. Finished with a light hand, arm and neck massage.

    Anti-aging Facial - $125

    This ageless facial offers anti-aging peptide based products to treat aging skin revealing a healthy-looking glow. This facial includes cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, serums, steam, and a firming mask. Finished with a light hand, arm and neck massage.

    Brightening Enzyme Facial - $125

    This powerful enzyme facial is ideal for mature skin. Facial includes deep cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, serums, steam, and a polish treatment to remove dead skin cells and debris to enhance the absorption of natural brighteners and Vitamin C. Finished with a light hand, arm and neck massage.

    Gentleman’s Facial - $125

    Tailored for a man’s specific skincare needs. This customized treatment includes deep cleansing, hot towels, exfoliation, customized mask, and hydrating moisturizer. This treatment helps to repair the balance caused by daily shaving, skin sensitivity, dullness, aging, and environmental impact. The experience ends with a relaxing head, neck, and shoulder massage.

    Back Facial - $150

    Dissolve dead skin cells, encourage cell turnover and fight acne bacteria with a back facial. Service includes a deep double cleanse, steam, manual extractions and a customized mask. Finished with a relaxing 15 minute back, arm and hand massage.

    Express Mini Facial - $75

    The mini express will have your skin cleansed, exfoliated (enzymes or acids), soothed and moisturized. This 30 minute facial does not include steam, extractions or massage.

    Facial Enhancements:


    LED Light Therapy


  • Experience smooth and sleek results with our expert hair waxing services, where unwanted hair is efficiently removed, leaving your skin feeling soft and beautifully groomed.

    Ears - $15.00

    Eyebrows - $25.00

    Upper Lip - $15.00

    Chin - $15.00

    Cheek - $35.00

    Sideburns - $15.00

    Full Face - $60.00

    Nose - $15.00

    Underarms - $35.00

    Half Arm - $35.00

    Full Arms - $50.00

    Lower Legs - $55.00

    Full Legs - $85.00

    Woman's Bikini Line - $35.00

    Woman's Full Brazilian - $65.00

    Woman's Happy Trail - $15.00

    Men's Chest - $60.00

    Upper Back - $35.00

    Full Back - $65.00

  • LHR is also known as laser hair reduction. This treatment is one of the most effective non-invasive aesthetic treatments to remove unwanted hair on the face and body.

    The Gentlemax YAG laser uses a burst of gentle energy, and therapeutic heat to target the hair follicle at the root. While laser hair removal can be performed on virtually any skin color, the color of the hair is the most important factor. The laser is attracted to the melanin (the dark pigment) in the hair follicle. Thus, darker hair is treated most effectively.

    A series of 6-12 sessions per area are needed for optimal hair reduction.

    LHR Areola -$50

    LHR Back of Neck -$75

    LHR Chest - $175

    LHR Chin - $50

    LHR Front of Neck - $75

    LHR Full Arms - $250

    LHR Full Back - $300

    LHR Full Face - $175

    LHR Full Legs $300

    LHR Half Face - $125

    LHR Lower Legs - $150

    LHR Nose - $50

    LHR Sideburns - $75

    LHR Toes - $50

    LHR Underarms - $125

    LHR Upper Legs - $150

    LHR Upper Lip - $50

    LHR Upper Lip & Chin - $75

    LHR Woman's Happy Trail - $75

    LHR Woman's Bikini Line - $125

    LHR Woman's Full Brazilian - $175

    *Packages available in quantities of 6 treatments for a discounted rate*

  • Elevate your beauty routine with our eyebrow and eyelash tinting and lamination services. Designed to define and shape your brows and give lashes a lifted look.

    Lash Tint - $25.00

    Brow Tint - $25.00

    Lash Lift - $100.00

    Lash Lift + Tint - $125.00

    Brow Lamination - $100.00

    Lash Lift + Lash Tint + Brow Lamination - $225.00

    Brow Lamination + Brow Tint - $125.00

  • Eyelash extensions are synthetic fibers that are attached to your natural eyelashes one by one with a medical-grade adhesive to give the appearance of longer, fuller and thicker lashes. The extensions come in different lengths, thicknesses, and curls, which can be customized to create a variety of looks.

    Classic Set - $150+

    Created for giving a natural look to the eye, this technique uses a combination of individual lash extensions to natural lashes. It takes 1.5 to 2 hours to create the complete look using different lengths, thicknesses, and curls for both eyes. Classic lash extension sets are carefully created to match the characteristics of your eyelashes in the best way without being too long or heavy.

    Hybrid Set - $175+

    A combination of classic and volume lash extension styles, the hybrid style is heavily customized to create unique looks. It uses a classic lash style of one extension per natural lash mixed with handmade volume fans affixed per lash using an eyelash extension adhesive.

    2 Week Fill-In - $75

    Lash Removal - $25

  • Achieve a sun-kissed glow with our flawless spray tan service, ensuring a radiant and natural-looking complexion.

    4 Hour - $40

    8 Hour - $35

  • Involves applying a bleaching gel containing 44% carbamide peroxide to the teeth, which helps to break down stains and discoloration. The use of an LED lamp then activates the lightening agent, speeding up the whitening process for a brighter smile. Following this treatment is the use of a remineralization gel, used to strengthen enamel and prevent sensitivity from the procedure. Results vary from person to person and multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve desired level of brightening.

    Teeth Whitening - $100 per session

Taking care of myself doesn’t mean “me first”..... it means “me, too
— L.R. Knosts

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Encouraging a loved one to practice Self Care is a powerful gesture. With a gift card, you can brighten up someone’s special moment, or bring magic to the ordinary day. Purchase in store, or an online E-giftcard to be applied to your loved one’s profile at Modern Aesthetics, even if they will be new to our office!